Patient Participation Group

Quote / Testimonial:
Communicare, our Patient Participation Group

Your local Patient Participation Group (PPG) began in 1981 by Dr John Holland and Mrs Clare Wagstaffe independent of the Practice to be the voice of patients, feeding their views into the Practice and back out to patients.
What is Communicare?
Communicare is an important part of health planning for this Practice because it involves the Practice’s patients regular meetings take place between the Practice and Communicare
What does Communicare do?
It is there:
As a champion for local patients
Aiding Communication with the Practice and with its patients
Assisting co-operation
Being constructively critical
Being consulted in inspections of the Practice by the Care Quality Commission
Contributing to county-wide conversations through Healthwatch
Together, how much more could you and Communicare  –  OUR PPG – achieve?
What does Communicare now need?
Patients who will be part of a small steering group to meet regularly with the
Be representative in age and geographical area of the patients within the Practice
Be sufficiently interested to attend the open meetings with the GPs and senior Practice staff
Bring particular expertise and experience to assist both the Practice and
It can only lead to better care for you and other patients.

So why not join us?
For more information please contact:
David Parkes (
Details of recent Communicare activities can be found on:


Patient Participation Group Mailing List
If you would like to join our Patient Participation Group mailing list, please send an email request to or contact the Practice Manager on 01780 782342
We regard all patients of the Practice as informal members of the PPG, but if you join our mailing list you will automatically receive information about PPG activities.

What if you have something to say but don’t want to be on the mailing     list for the PPG
You can send us your views, or ask any questions about the PPG, by emailing
You can phone and speak to the Practice Manager on 01780 782342
You can write to the Practice Manager at Wansford Surgery

PPG Meeting Minutes and Reports